This scene from the 1928 silent film The Circus finds Charlie Chaplin locked inside of a lion’s cage. He had sought refuge in the cage after fleeing a donkey. The lion scenes took around 200 takes with a real lion and the faces of fear displayed by Chaplin were...
The Great Gabbo is a 1929 film starring Erich von Stroheim, Donald Douglas, and Marjorie Kane. It tells the story of a ventriloquist that increasingly uses his dummy “Otto” as his only means of self-expression. This scene features the song “Every Now...
In this clip from the 1927 film The Jazz Singer , Al Jolson sings “Dirty Hands, Dirty Face” for the crowd at Coffee Dan’s restaurant. The film tells the story of Jakie Rabinowitz (Al Jolson), a young man from a devout Jewish family who defies...