This clip from the 1927 French film La Revue Des Revues features dancer, singer, and actress Josephine Baker. The story follows Paris nightlife as it was in 1927. The Jazz Age was in full swing at the time and Baker was the highest-paid entertainer in Europe. The film...
Clip from the 1922 silent film Blood and Sand featuring Rudolph Valentino as Juan Gallardo, a young Spaniard who achieves his dream of becoming a famous toreador. This movie was produced by Paramount Pictures, directed by Fred Niblo and stars Rudolph Valentino, Lila...
Peter Pan is a 1924 silent film and is the first film adaptation of the play by J. M. Barrie. In this clip, Peter Pan appears to the children and teaches them how to fly. This film was released on December 29, 1924 and starred Betty Bronson as Peter...