A fun look back at the 1970s in movies, TV, and society. The cast of the sitcom Alice Cast shot from Barney Miller The Bay City Rollers Classic shot of The Brady Bunch Computer Space is a video game that was released in 1971 Angela Davis and Toni Morrison (1974) Diana Ross poses for this oh-so 70s photo Dickies Advertisement (1970s) Pinball game by Gottlieb (1974) Farrah Fawcett skateboarding Groovy fashion catalog shot from 1974 Faye Dunaway lounges by the pool the morning after the Oscars (1977) Gilda Radner and Miss Piggy Grace Jones at Studio 54 Greg and Marcia from The Brady Bunch Classic 70s advertisement for Hai Karate cologne Scene from the TV show Happy Days Jimmie Walker John Travolta (1970s) Liza Minnelli (1977) Ryan O’Neal and Ali MacGraw (1970) Robert Young starred as Marcus Welby, M.D. Cast shot from The Mary Tyler Moore Show Robin Williams and Pam Dawber Cast shot from The Partridge Family Sanford and Son Catalog page from the 1975 Sears catalog Ad for The Crushables, pre-styled, ready to wear modacrylic wigs (1972) Shag Carpet Lee Majors stars as The Six Million Dollar Man Studio 54 The classic 70s TV Dinner in the aluminum tray. Tony Danza in the TV series Taxi The Village People Opening shot from the 70s sitcom What’s Happening!! Columbia House Advertisement