Movie trailer for the 1957 horror film The Black Scorpion starring Richard Denning, Mara Corday, and Carlos Rivas. It tells the story of giant scorpions released in underground caverns by volcanic activity in Mexico. The film was released by Warner Brothers, with stop...
Movie trailer for the 1953 low budget film noir One Girl’s Confession starring Cleo Moore, Hugo Haas, and Glenn Langan. It was written, produced, and directed by Hugo Haas. It tells the story of Mary Adams (Cleo Moore), who is a waitress in a waterfront bar. She...
Classic commercial for Duz Laundry Detergent that aired in 1953. Duz was a powdered laundry detergent which had glassware and plates in each box. It was last made in 1978. The announcer ends the spot by saying “No detergent can do a wash like Duz. It’s the...